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Pet Astrology

Astrology - for pets? Yes!

Astrology provides a description of personality. Anyone who has loved an animal knows that they have personalities too.

Is your dog a lover or a fighter? Aloof or affectionate? A homebody or a wanderer? Dogs can come in any sign - Leo or Aries, Aquarius or Libra, Cancer or Sagittarius.

Why do cats have a reputation for being independent and self-centered? Because many of them were born during the month of Aries!

Peter The feline estrus cycle is triggered by the lack of daylight hours. Young female cats go into their first heat during winter. Many cats give birth in March and April. Aries! Or - as these months are sometimes called - "kitten season."

Obviously, not all cats are born in the spring. Our pets are born at all times of the year. Just like people, the month of birth will stamp the personality of the animal. Some pets are more loving, some more active, some more nervous. Our animals, just like us, have likes and dislikes, preferences in their relationships, and go through periods of growth and expansion as well as pain and difficulty. Astrology can help us understand our animals better.

I've always lived with animals. They've enriched my life in ways too numerous to count. Following are three examples of how I've used astrology to better understand my own pets and my relationship to them. The birth dates for the first two, Mattie and Tess, are known with a few days. For the third example, Frank, the possible birth date is known within a few months.

Mattie    Tess    Frank

If you'd like me to do some astrology for your pet - contact me for a Pet Chart.

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Astrology Insights © Ruby Lehman, 2000